In the rapidly globalizing business environment, companies are increasingly looking to expand their operations across borders. This expansion brings challenges, particularly when it comes to navigating the complex legal, administrative, and HR landscapes of foreign countries. Employer of Record (EOR) services have emerged as a popular solution for businesses looking to hire talent abroad without the hassle of establishing a local entity. However, despite the growing adoption of EOR services, several misconceptions persist, causing some companies to hesitate. This blog aims to debunk five common myths about EOR services, offering clarity and confidence to those considering this strategic approach.

  1. Myth: EOR Services Are Only for Large Corporations

Reality: EOR services are designed for businesses of all sizes.

Many believe that only large corporations with vast resources can afford or benefit from EOR services. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. EOR services are highly scalable, making them ideal for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well. In fact, SMEs often benefit the most from EOR services as they lack the resources to navigate the complex legal and administrative processes in foreign countries. Many of  our clients are SMEs looking to expand internationally without the burden of establishing a local entity.

  1. Myth: EOR Services Are the Same as PEO Services

Reality: EOR and PEO services differ significantly in scope and function.

While both EOR (Employer of Record) and PEO (Professional Employer Organization) services handle HR functions, they are not the same. A PEO acts as a co-employer, sharing employer responsibilities with your company. In contrast, an EOR becomes the legal employer of your workforce in a foreign country, handling all compliance, payroll, and HR tasks. This distinction is crucial because it means that with an EOR, your company can operate in a new market without needing to establish a local legal entity. A survey by NelsonHall in 2023 highlighted that 72% of companies choose EOR services over PEO when expanding into new markets due to the flexibility and reduced risk it offers.

  1. Myth: EOR Services Are Expensive and Not Cost-Effective

Reality: EOR services can save businesses significant costs and time.

The perception that EOR services are expensive often stems from a misunderstanding of the costs involved in setting up and maintaining a local entity in a foreign country. Establishing a legal entity abroad can be a lengthy and expensive process, involving legal fees, taxes, and ongoing compliance costs. A 2023 Deloitte study found that setting up a subsidiary in a foreign country can cost upwards of $50,000, not including ongoing operational expenses. In contrast, EOR services offer a more cost-effective solution, allowing businesses to enter new markets quickly without these upfront costs. Additionally, the time saved in avoiding legal and administrative hurdles translates into faster market entry and revenue generation.

  1. Myth: EOR Services Are Only for Short-Term Employment

Reality: EOR services are suitable for both short-term and long-term employment needs.

Another common misconception is that EOR services are only suitable for temporary or short-term employment. While EOR services are indeed beneficial for short-term projects or contracts, they are equally effective for long-term employment needs. EOR providers manage all aspects of employment, from payroll and benefits to compliance and taxes, regardless of the duration of employment. This flexibility allows companies to scale their workforce up or down as needed without the complexities of local labor laws. According to the Global Payroll Association, 60% of companies using EOR services employ workers for more than a year, demonstrating the viability of EOR for long-term employment.

  1. Myth: EOR Services Limit Control Over Employees

Reality: EOR services allow companies to retain operational control while outsourcing administrative tasks.

Some businesses fear that using an EOR service will mean losing control over their employees. However, this is a misconception. While the EOR is the legal employer on paper, your company retains full operational control over day-to-day tasks, employee management, and decision-making. The EOR handles administrative tasks like payroll, taxes, and compliance, freeing up your HR team to focus on strategic initiatives. A 2023 report by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) found that 85% of companies using EOR services reported improved focus on core business activities and employee satisfaction.

Employer of Record (EOR) services offer a flexible, cost-effective, and compliant solution for companies looking to expand their operations internationally. By debunking these common misconceptions, businesses can better understand how EOR services can support their growth strategy, regardless of their size or market. As global expansion continues to be a priority for many companies, understanding the true value of EOR services will be crucial in making informed decisions and achieving success in new markets.


  1. NelsonHall, “EOR vs. PEO: Which is Right for Your Business?” 2023.
  2. Deloitte, “The Cost of Establishing a Foreign Subsidiary,” 2023.
  3. Global Payroll Association, “The Benefits of Long-Term EOR Employment,” 2023.
  4. SHRM, “Employer of Record Services: Enhancing Business Focus and Employee Satisfaction,” 2023.


FAQ: Employer of Record (EOR) Services

Q1: What exactly is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

A1: An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party organization that becomes the legal employer of your workforce in a foreign country. While the EOR handles all administrative, compliance, and payroll tasks, your company retains full control over the day-to-day management of your employees. This allows you to operate in a new market without needing to establish a local entity.

Q2: How does an EOR differ from a PEO (Professional Employer Organization)?

A2: The key difference between an EOR and a PEO lies in the employment relationship. With a PEO, your company and the PEO act as co-employers, sharing HR responsibilities. In contrast, an EOR becomes the sole legal employer, handling all local compliance and administrative duties. This distinction is crucial for companies looking to expand internationally without the complexities of setting up a legal entity.

Q3: Is it true that EOR services are only for large corporations?

A3: No, this is a common misconception. EOR services are highly scalable and can be tailored to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In fact, many SMEs leverage EOR services to enter new markets quickly and cost-effectively without the need for substantial upfront investment.

Q4: Are EOR services expensive?

A4: While there is a cost associated with EOR services, they are often more cost-effective than the alternative of setting up a legal entity in a foreign country. Establishing a subsidiary can involve significant legal fees, taxes, and ongoing compliance costs. EOR services provide a more economical solution by managing these responsibilities on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Q5: Can EOR services be used for long-term employment?

A5: Absolutely. EOR services are suitable for both short-term and long-term employment needs. Whether you’re hiring for a temporary project or building a permanent team abroad, an EOR can manage all aspects of employment, from payroll and benefits to compliance with local labour laws.

Q6: Will I lose control over my employees if I use an EOR?

A6: No, using an EOR does not mean losing control over your employees. While the EOR handles the legal and administrative aspects of employment, your company retains full operational control. You manage your employees’ day-to-day activities, performance, and decision-making, just as you would with employees directly under your payroll.

Q7: What are the primary benefits of using EOR services?

A7: The primary benefits of using EOR services include:

  • Speed of Market Entry: Quickly hire employees in new markets without setting up a local entity.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Avoid the high costs associated with establishing and maintaining a foreign subsidiary.
  • Compliance: Ensure full compliance with local labor laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues.
  • Focus: Free up your HR team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than administrative tasks.

Q8: How do I choose the right EOR provider?

A8: When choosing an EOR provider, consider factors such as their experience in your target market, the range of services they offer, and their track record with compliance. It’s also important to assess their technology platform, customer service, and pricing model to ensure they align with your business needs.

Q9: Can I switch from an EOR to establishing my own entity later?

A9: Yes, many companies use EOR services as a temporary solution while they assess the market or until they are ready to establish their own legal entity. Once your company is ready, you can transition from the EOR model to managing your workforce directly under your new entity.

Q10: Are there any industries where EOR services are particularly popular?

A10: EOR services are popular across various industries, especially those with a global footprint or those expanding rapidly into new markets. Industries such as technology, finance, pharmaceuticals, and professional services frequently utilize EOR services to manage their international workforce efficiently.

Understanding the nuances of Employer of Record (EOR) services can help businesses make informed decisions about their global expansion strategies. By debunking common myths and answering frequently asked questions, we hope to provide a clear picture of how EOR services can be a powerful tool for companies of all sizes.

InsourceIndia’s Employer of Record (EOR) services offer a seamless solution for international companies looking to hire and manage employees in India without the need to establish a local entity. By acting as the legal employer on behalf of your company, InsourceIndia handles all compliance, payroll, and HR administrative tasks, ensuring full adherence to Indian labor laws and regulations. This allows your business to focus on core operations while quickly and cost-effectively expanding into one of the world’s fastest-growing markets. With a deep understanding of the Indian business environment, InsourceIndia provides a reliable and efficient EOR service that enables companies to scale their workforce with confidence and ease.